ROSSOCINABRO | exhibitions | Nota Bene | Roma 4 - 29 marzo 2024

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4 - 29 marzo 2024 

Questa mostra è stata pensata come un articolato segmento di opere di artisti internazionali attualmente in esposizione in varie mostre europee, una finestra sulla molteplicità della produzione artistica odierna che vanta svariati spunti contenutistici e formali che si prefiggono di proporre una serie di messaggi da interpretare, vivere e codificare. Dalla pittura alla scultura, alla fotografia, all’incisione, sono diversi i linguaggi e gli indirizzi di sperimentazione rintracciabili in questo progetto espositivo che, attraverso gli artisti invitati, intende presentare una proposta ragionata e condivisa sull'arte in circolazione attualmente in Europa.


This exhibition has been conceived as a comprehensive selection of works by international artists currently showcasing their artworks in various European exhibitions, offering a window into the diversity of contemporary artistic production, which offers a wide range of content-related and formal inspirations aimed at proposing a series of messages to be interpreted, experienced, and decoded. From painting to sculpture, photography and engraving, there are various languages and experimental directions identifiable in this exhibition project, which, through the invited artists, intends to present a reasoned and shared proposal on the art currently circulating in Europe.


Edi Baramov, Mariana Branco, Pia Coacalina, Christine El Ojeil, Jo Going, Stephen Harper, Ilka Henkel & Paul Heinrich Neuhorst, John, Monika Katterwe, Ian Kingsford-Smith, Rebeccah Klodt, Fiona Livingstone, Yating Liu, Paul Scott Malone, Pawel Opalinski, Anastaska Po, Aleksandra Pomorisac, Sal Ponce Enrile, Azia Maria Sammartano, Tamara Sweere, Josefina Temin, Hiroshi Wada, Faderera Wahab, Carole Wu


Each artist's work will be presented on the Rossocinabro website in their own space, allowing, within the collective context of the exhibition, to maintain the specificities of their respective works.



We look forward to welcoming you from Monday to Friday, from 11:30AM to 5PM, in Via Raffaele Cadorna 28, Rome.


On our website you'll find in-depth information about each artist.



Curator Joe Hansen


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Credit image: Algae by Yating Liu (China)





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